So I’ve just finished one of the most hectic weeks at work porting 10-13 year old code over to PHP7 and I decided to chill out with some Undertale pacifist mode playing about when my goddamned coders brain thinks to it’s self…
“Damn, I love Undertale and having a good time… but. I reckon this game could run on a Gameboy, which would be pretty cool, yeah, yeah?”
That’s not to slight the game, I love it, I doubt I’ll have the heart to do a genocide playthrough mind. But, looking at it objectively, could it be possible to port over to it? I mean, undoubtedly compromises would need to be made in terms of sprite sizes, and music downsampling but from the outset, you have a load / save system, background scrolling and fight sequences with conversation pop up boxes. Of course, there’s the over arching story with it’s many branches which would no-doubt push memory to it’s limits I’m sure and, whilst I doubt I’d attempt to port the game myself to GB, I think it could be done.
That and I had to see if the Undertale GUI would fit in the Gameboy’s tiny resolution, looks like it could. Apologies for my poor scaling of Napstablook btw 🙂