Well, here goes nothing. Or, in fact, something!
With the right tutorials I’ve got my head around some Assembly, after a while of research and learning how to structure loops and the equivalent of while loops I feel like I’m getting somewhere!
I’m limited to a paltry 4k of ROM space and everything is being drawn on a line-by-line basis, I doubt I’ll need all 128 bytes of RAM to be honest as there’s not much room to play around!
Still, so far I have a background and moving missile sprite, which moves based on Player Input. There’s even some tones being generated on movement which is kinda cool.

Plus there’s a register dedicated to handling collision detection, how cool is that? I mean, you just check the set bits and you know what has collided with what!
Right, I’m going to see how I can get a sprite or two on there, seeing that it can only handle 2 sprites, 2 missiles and a “ball” on the hardware I’ll be hard pressed to make something playable!
Really Useful Links for anyone interested:
6502 OpCodes – http://www.6502.org/tutorials/6502opcodes.html
AtariAge Tutorials – https://atariage.com/2600/programming/2600_101/06happy.html