Retro Game Projects Update Me Do

So, It’s been too long since my last update and for that I apologise, let’s get into a few things.

I’ve started off on a few new projects recently and have received some good news regarding Flap Happy from my publishers Mega Cat Studios which I’ll be really happy to share with everyone as soon as a couple of details have been confirmed.

There have been some other things that have been going on in the background including the following:

NES Homebrew Game – Bee Happy

I’ve left this behind for way too long and need to get this project back on track. I WILL NOT let this project go unfinished.

Animated Retro Games buy and Sell Advert for Switch Computer Support

A friend of mine is looking into buying and selling Video games and consoles so asked if I would make them an advert to help keep customers in-store and give a good idea as to what’s in stock at a glance, with a very retro 80’s / 90’s feel.

Retro Podcast?

While this is only a slight possibility, I’m planning out a podcast with some friends about retro gaming. This may or may not happen but could be lots of fun and tie into other things down the line.

Secret Cutesy Project #1 and #2

Obviously, can’t mention much about this but whoever these are for, I’m sure they’ll enjoy it.

Picking NES & Game Boy Development Back Up Again

Life has certainly gotten in the way of a few things of late, the usual combination of commitments has shifted my focus around a lot. I’ve not really felt settled at home to get many decent game development sessions in for quite a while.

Probably just down to the distractions in modern life, so, I should really re-organize myself to get certain things done with some sorta schedule ideally. That includes posting updates onto here at least once a week. Probably every Wednesday. I wander how long that will last for?!

What needs to be done and where?

Bee Happy (NES Game Development)

This game is at that weird stage in development where it’s fairly playable but needs some extra elements inside it for a good difficulty progression. I think adding solid walls would do well here in amongst the slow-down hedges, in order to make use of the limited space I’ve set out for each level.

  • Versus Mode
  • Music
  • Sound Effects
  • Transitions between Screens / Levels
  • An Ending Sequence

Flap Happy and Fancy Free (Game Boy & Game Boy Colour Dev)

Flap Happy is further back in terms of development, I’ve attempted to convert what I made to utilize bank switching, but ran into issues. To the point where I might just restart from my previous base and develop along that pathway. The game is in a similar position to Bee Happy and needs the following features to be considered complete.

  • Music
  • Sound Effects
  • Level Transitions (Easy Fade)
  • Ending Sequence

CPU usage is still fine for the Game Boy which is good news for future development bits.

There’s some good news coming soon from the lovelies at also, which I’m looking forward to. Keep your eyes peeled for updates later on this week for more details on my retro game development adventures!