More News on Formula Racing and other Gameboy Development stuff

Right, a few more changes have been going on under the hood of Formula Racing, including an overhaul of the A.I. which was a lot more predictable than in the current version, the A.I. can now branch into different paths depending on the track layout and is a lot less likely to crash into things as a result. So you really need to plan your overtakes now!

This has called for a redesign of some of the older tracks to handle this variant of the A.I. which has turned out to be a great blessing, with a lot of optimisation in the code now present to reduce CPU usage I’ve also weeded out some unneccessary lines of code and removed the speed overflow bugs that were present.

These bugs caused boost pads to stop the car and crashes to occsionally accelerate the car instantly to it’s top speed!

While this is all good, it’s resulted in the game becoming much tougher than before, unpredictable A.I. really puts things into a twist.

There have been some graphical changes to each course group also, billboards, trees and other elements being locked to each group help to give each track a slightly different feel, which is pretty nice!

The password system is almost there for Grand Prix mode and I’m working on a custom sound editor in the background just for the hell of it.

GBDK and sound can be a pain in the arse, there’s lots of ASM based solutions but GBDK could do with something, however basic it comes out initially. Unobfuscating the process could result in more games with soundtracks in, which would be nice!

There’s a couple of little A.I. bugs to sort out still but they should fit in nicely with the ~500byes remaining. I’m hoping to add a car explosion effect also in the remaining space!

Oh my gosh. it’s 1am, time to sleep, will post again soon!