Well, with Ludum Dare #34 Just around the corner, under 12 hours away as I type this out, I’ve been preparing myself to put together a Gameboy Game in Under 48 Hours, based around a theme. Which I’ll discover at 2am.
So, what am I doing to prepare for this then, huh, huh?
- Clear some space around me in my lil home office so I’m not being distracted by clutter.
- Made sure I have made a gameboy game recently,in a small amount of time, so I’m not going in to this completely blind. You can play it on your Gameboy here, it’s a tough space invader clone and didn’t take too long to make, just a bit of time to debug. GBDK is funny with variables sometimes!
Intro Screen Starting A Game Off Pallette Switching Death Oh No! - I Managed to write myself a handy tool to make sprite creation easier, meaning I can now use photoshop, export to PNG, run it through my tool and out pops the relevant data for both GBDK and it’s Tile editor program, I can see that saving me a bunch of time and allowing me to make more complex sprites a bit easier! I’ll pop this online at some point, just not right now though, time is pressing!
- Probably grab a bunch of snacks later on tonight for easy eating. Not too junky though!
- Most shocking of all, I’ll be getting myself a decent nights rest, so I can make sure I’m not going to burn myself out over the 2 days, I love game jams and everything that goes with them, but yeah, sleep, that’s important!
Why in the hell am I making a Gameboy Game? Why Not Use Unity. Unreal / Something else?
Haha, yeah, I’d normally be a Unity bod for any Gamejam, but, what with my recent endeavours with GBDK and Gameboy Development I wanted to see what I can make, from scratch, in 2 days. I’m not expecting my entry to fare particularly well in comparison to other games out there, but, this is just for the joy of game jams!