Coding A Gameboy Game – In An Hour?!

UnSeen Gamescreen Just another Saturday night and I noticed the one hour game jam was on in a minute or two. So, time to roll up those coding sleeves and bosh out a game based on the theme “Stealth”

One hour really isn’t much time to make a game in so I had to use some fairly ugly hacks to get the game working, it’s a simple affair, guide the shadowy character to the “WIN!” text and you win. that’s it. Whilst security beams are switched on and off, with animation, audio cues and walking sound effects. The only collision routine used is that with the background layer. There’s so little time to get anything working that my collision routine is a little iffy, resulting in sliding along walls.

onehouroneNevertheless, I’m glad I managed to make something “slightly” more substantial than my previous one hour game jam attempt under the theme “Everything is dangerous” again, simple enough, avoid the spikes, walls, etc. Just under an hour.

Even though these games aren’t much, it’s nice to try an intense burst of game coding every now ‘n’ then!

Download Links for the ROMs below:

ION – A gameboy action puzzle game in GBDK in development

Despite not having many hour last weekend for Ludum Dare, I started to put together the pieces for another lil Gameboy Game called ION. Where you take the role of a charged particle that needs to attain certain levels of charge to proceed to further levels and boost the players score.

It’s a fairly simple game in essence and uses ice physics for motion control with state-based A.I. charges that vary between seeking and fleeing routines to keep the player on their toes.

Here’s a quick 20 second video with some of the game in action.

There’s still a way to go, but I’m planning on adding obstacles, slow and charge wells to help mix the gameplay up.

Gameboy GBDK Tutorial ROM Code!

Yes, it’s finally here, with comments and everything! Below is the code for the C file and I’ve included all the files with a readme.txt file for your perusal here. I hope this helps you to get started on your gameboy development journeys!

gbdkdemo .zip file, 6kb